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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

first day in the class

the first day in the class;
qUite ok..everbOdy in the class are very cooperative fOr this mean time=P
my english tEacher is graduated from UiTM..sHe's taking cHemi teacher is gRaduated from canada..sHe's taking chemical engineerng..mY econoMics teacher also gradUated from canada...of course she's taking bUsiness n economic class, the teacher asked us tO write oUr charesteristic in a small green paper..sO i wrote it 'i love pink as most of my stuff is pink' 'im wearing specs' 'i love surfing the internet'..oK dOne..actually its not whAt i want tO talk abOut...actually after writing our criteria in that paper..teacher will collect the paper n pUt it inside a small beg..tHen we ha ve to puT the paper randOmly...after we took the paper we have to guess wHo the person is..I've gOt an MCKK sTudents...sO i asked him he is from where n how many chIldren that he has...n also what his fav sOng=P hahaha...that is my trick actually...the teacher will going to asked us tO introduce our friends in that paper...when i introducing him tO my friends i turn up my vOice when i said his fav sOng is stay from estrellla....guess whAt???hahahaa teacher asked him to sing!!!!kueng first he was nOt willing to sing..but at last he sing...fall fOr u sOng i gUess..hahaha..n than after class i juz smiling at him..n laughing i guess...whAt his name??hehehe i fOrgoT his name already la..u know its the first class...ask me later...ok la im going tO finish my twilight bOok by tOday or else i have tO postpone it tO next week..there are sO much things tO be dOne..sO adioz=) wish me in IB trying to lOve IB

my bed

Sunday, 28 June 2009

oRientation week

Life in kmb??fOr oNe week I’ve been here it is quite oK la..jUz like MRSM Taiping..exactly like it…bUt in dress code its quite different…in KMB we wear baju kUrung..nO more bAju seKolah… the first day..i was not crying wHen sHaking hands with my parents n sister…bCoz at that time I don’t feel homesick..wHat I tHingk is about the strategies for study in order tO balance mY academic performances n my sports n all that sTuff…u know what…mOst of tHe sTudents in this cOllege are always speak in English..n their English are very fluence…I wish I can like them..sO nORmi..frOm nOw on please improve yOur proficiency ok!!!!or else u wOnt fly….~~~~~~~no way… I want tO study in oVersea!!!UK is waiting fOr me!!!Manchester university…..i’ve been mOtivated bY oUr sUper seniors which are cUrrently sTudying in oVersea n they going back dUring sUmmer ..they give me the spirit n sHare their experiences with me..oh mY…IB is tougher then A-level…besides its actually a diploma…sO normi…sTudy hard!!!u cant fail IB..if u fail nO more IPTA will take u as they not recognized IB except USM…Are u going tO study in IPTS???huh???nO way..i want tO study in UK….

last word from me tO myself….
“nOrmi!stUdy hard….be confidence in wHat u dO..dOnt ever give up..yOur sacrifices will pay u back with yOur the saying gOes sUccess needs sacrifices!!!sO…learn tO love IB..just thinking tHat IB is fUn..go with the flow n u woNt feel stress

Monday, 22 June 2009

BYe blogger

bye gUys!!
i'm leaving to KMB=(
miss my hOme already..
miss my messy bed;P
miss my 7 mOnth hOneymoOn
my parents...
my niece; baby lina

its time for me to moVe fOrward!!!
mOve tOward shIning stArs!!!!
go nOrmi!!!!!
sUccess is waiting fOr u!!!
improve yOur english ok!!!!
dOnt give uP...
stUdy haRd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep on reading al-Quran ok=)
dont be lazy!!
always tHink positive!!!!

wait for me!!

p/s: im gOing tO stay at coNcorde inn hOtel...anYone that stay there tOo???

Thursday, 18 June 2009

awArded by yAnti

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

we all keep on mOving towards shining stars=)

here the list of where my classmates are studying n will study!!!
seems like we all are in the right path=)
lOve u gUys damn mUch!!
keep on going..
keep on success!!
Ir. Lily AmirahBt Ahmad Jamil
kolej MARA Kuala nErang(engneerg)
Farah Khalid adam Ho
matrikulasi perlis
Siti Zulaiha
Prof.Fatimah Zahra
kolej UEM~A-level medic
kolej MARA Banting~International Baccalaurette(medic)
kolej MARA Banting~International Baccalaurette(medic)
Kolej UEM~Alevel sc.Actuary
Rahman @ rho
Kolej MARA Seremban
Dr.Fathin Fadhilah
Asasi sains hayat UiTM
Kolej MARA Seremban(pergigian)
syazwani @ kak long
undefine(x contact pun=( )
Dr.Normi Zafirah
Kolej MARA Banting~International Baccalaurette(medic)
Shahrizal @ jai
Uitm Arau
18 june~undefined( sombong..mesej x balas)
19 june~*dah x sOmbong dah..blas mesj mlam tadi..
kolej teknologi timur~medic republic of czech
Ir. Zahir
Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang(engneerg)
tgh confius nk amik MARA ke JPA=p
Ir. saiful adhli @ epOi
asasi sains fizikal UM
Prof.Farouq RedZa IskAndAR
nOttingham Uni(biotech)
Ir. Haziq Faiz
UTP(mechanical kot)
Ir. Azri Afif
Ir.mohd Kamal
asasi sains fizikal UM
matrikulasi sabah

Monday, 15 June 2009

miss my class 412-512

the girls

time riadah

makaroni cheese n buah melaka

malam kuda kepang

Sunday, 7 June 2009

cOUsin day oUt!!!!

mahkota parade

baskin robin ice cream=)

tOday is a very fascinating n exhausting n adventurous day for me…acTually tOday kitOrg plan nAk keLuar cOusin2..sO keLuar la..pegi mAhkOta parade dUa keta…oN the wAy tHere..Oh mY gOsh..jalan bApak jam la…skunk ni tGah pesta sUngai kat meLaka…sO rMai ah oRg jAkon pegi kan…DahLa nk peGi MahKota pArade(MP) tU berpa bNyk traffic light kena lAlu..bAyangkn lampu hijau pUn kereta x bOle jalan..sebab lampu isyart kt depn saner merah tIme tUe we feel like U-turn je la..bUt we wOnt..haha..then bLer we reached tHere..oOo man!!parking…bapak ah penUh…aiseh aper la diOrg bUat kat MP ni ramai2..rOund pUnya rOund..smpai lagi skit nk lnggr tembOk..tApi tHanx gOd x langgar…hehe…sO last2 dApt gak..cOusin2 yg bOys kat lagI satu keta ntah maner hIlang,,,kitOrg park kat site yg memg jAuh la dAri MP tue…dh nk dekt nGan kapal besar tue…sO kitOrg decided msuk je MP then we meet tHem there..sO while wAiting 4 them kiTorg pun merendek la dLu..maSuk bUtik vIncci..i planned I want to wear vincci sHoes fOr class..tApi nOne of it that I like..sO x jadilah..tP deep in my heart said..xkn x beli aper2 kt vIncci..dhla tGh less..sO I was like…hmmm later la..cOz anGah n alAng nk tAke a look a oTher sHop..then masuk la ria mOdani pNya boutique..pAstu diOrg call dh ader dlAm MP..then kiTOrg peGi la cari mereka2..sO we went tO cinema site…sO we decided tO watch JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG CONGKAK xD…pKul 6 start..time tu dlam kOl 5 kot..sO diOrg pegi la sembhyg dLu..aKu??hehhee CUTI!!sO merendek ah jalan2 satu MP tu..bEli ah sandal kat VINCCI jgak=P then pegi ria mOdani beli kasuT class..then pegi Tropicana Life bOutique bEli beg(cOmel jebeg tUe)..Then The bOdy sHop beli perfume(vanilla is damn nice)=)…pAstu angah ngn alang dh bIsing2 tggu kat KFC..sebabnyer lg berpa minit je mOvie sTart..sO kitOrg pUn queue la..time tue aBout few minures left..bOut 15 minUtes I gUess…dAmn..makan kena rUsh la..memg rUsh la makan..pAstu shoot teRUs masuk pAngGung…oH mY gOSh!!!!thAt mOvie was dAmn fUnny man!!!i bet it is very2 fuNny…wAtch it..keLakar dOwh…kejp2 gelak..meMg x tAkut lNgsuNg..tapi ader gAk certaIn2 paRt qUite memg bEst la..dgn sOund mOvienyer yG best..BEST la seng cerita!!!pegi la tgok…ok after mOvie diOrg pegi smBhyng mAghrib..aku>?makan aiskrim bAskin rObin..caramel cheesecake tUe..nYam2…then iwan(mY cOusin) sRuh beli KFC plak…aDoyai queue..mann damn im sTuck…beRatOr jGk la..nK jadi dOctor kena TOlong org seLaloo kan…ahaha bUdjet ah kO nOmi..pastU kitorg nk balik dh la…disebabkn kereta kiTorg bApak jAuh sebatu..sO sUruh la mereka2 yg kereta lg satu nie bawak ke tempt kIotrg parking..hImpit seyh..7 org dLam kereta wira aeroback..hahaha smpI je kat kreta..aku cAri la kUnci dlam bEg kan..then tekan alarm..mAnn..dUsh!!asal x Bleyh bKak plak..uIk..?bAgi kT angah..xBoleh jgak..alamak ai…camner nie..pikir pUnya pikir..bIncang punya bincang..bOys tinggl kt keta waja yg girls masuk MP balik tka battery alarm..sO dlm MP tu balik pegi kedai jam xder plak bateri kereta..sO pegi la kedai gmbr…nsb baik ader..sO bler dh tka lari ah pegi kt kreta bLik..tIme tU I was like..lantak ah org nk fakir kitOrg lari knapa..yG penting nK balik..n dLam hati dh fakir bUkn2 dh..cmner klau x bOleh jgak..sebab battery ke ape ke kan..sO bLer smpAi blik kt kreta tU..dUsh!!x bOleh jGak la…we were like..aiseh camner nie..sO time tu bARu la call iBu..iBu passing hp kat abAh..aBah sUruh bUkak paKai kUnci..biler bUkak alarm tu berbunyi tekan bLik..n ok la dh bOleh bUkak.,,,biler nAk start plak…damn sh** xbOleh sTart ibu balik..ibu sUruh bUkak bOothe kereta n betOl2 kn sKit battery tue…sO tArik la tempt bUkak bOnet depn tue..biler keluar nk bUkak my gOsh..camner nk bukak ni??adOyai..dh la kereta waja ni bOnet depn die kat tgh2 ader muncung plak…kan dh sUsah..kitrg dOk belek2 ah tempt bUkak..aKu time tUe nMpak sOrg pak cik tua lalu..aper lagi..panggil ah..die pun memg wiling nk tOlong…siap pkai torchlight pHone die lagi..last2 boleh gakla bUkak..iwan bUkakk…tHen tGok batteri..pakcik tu kater batteri ni dh weak..sebbnyer alarm dh berbUnyi bNyk kali dh..sO die ckp die nk tOlong..die ckap camni ‘pakcik boleh tOlong..kOrg pecaya x pakcik bleh tOlong..?” kitorg cam bLur at that time..sO aku tNya la pak cik ni dari mner..pakcik tU ckp die dri terngganu..hOliday ngn anak2 kat melaka..tidO hotel yg dekt je ngan site parking kiTorg…sO pecaya la..pak cik tu cadng nk tOlak kereta tu je..tapi jalan bAPak jam..sO x bOleh…the oTher idea was pinjam batteri kereta lagi satu n pasg kat waja..biler dh start kreta pUlang la balik kereta tu..first2 mcam tAkut la..time tu ibU dh call pak su suruh pegi tGok..pak sU ader kendUri pLak..sO call pak lOng..pak lOng tGah oN the way time tue…tp time pak long on the way kereta waja dh bOle start dah…sO patah la balik..but the fU**ing sh** happened later was nk pasg balik batteri kat wira..iwan ngan ijat dah mencArut2 dah…sUmer dh bengang..we stuck in the middle of the rOad that was extremely jam…park pUn like a bit kat corner gak ah..tapi pedUli aper asalkn batteri tu boleh pasg balik..penat cari lUbang nak sangkut besi nat tue..adOyaiii…memg dh x tahan gler..we stuck there almost 3 hOurs beb!!!memg la penat…keseronokan di MP dah hilang,,,bUt at the end ok la..dH bOleh pasang..sO bAlik la kiTorg..akU dh malas Nak linTas jalan naik je kreta oRg2 bujang(boys)…aDoYai..diOrg pUnya tension nYer siap nGorat awek kat tePi jalan wiTh the radio on tUrn-up sO lOud,,bEInch!!!dLam kreta mesej nGan minYe…semBang2 jap..pAstu bLer sMpai kAmpOng sTop cHat..aBah dAh tgGu dah kat depn rumah nenek..smpai je..abah kater jGan masuK lagi..tGgu dUlu..sebabnyer dLam rUmah kan ader baby…tAkot kang bwak jin ke hantu yg dlam JANGN pndAng Belakang cOngkak ke..hUahuahua..abAh ckap masuk sOrg2..masuk sOrg2..tapi dlam keadaan beratur..hahahah funny though..msuk ruMah aper lagi bUkak la cerita…
bUt lUckily ibU n abah r not yelling at us..tHey said it’s a process of learning…jUst imagine if this is nOt happening..did I kNow hOw tO open waja pUnya bonet depan>??did I know camner nK handle klau batteri kOng?hUh that’s what we call an unexpected lesson..huahuahua….
P/s: oyt cOusins!!ader lagi ker can nK day-Out again???hUahuahua..pKir 2-3 kali..nK pegi jalan2 lgi skali kena service kreta…hahha oVER la pLak..wHatever it is im very tired ri8 nOw....


time ni tGah teNsion

on the way balik..11.08 p.m. mcM peGi cLubbing plK balik lmBat=P

Thursday, 4 June 2009

meDical cHeck Up

tOday, i went tO hOsptal tElUk iNtan to do my medcal check up..i went there with my mom my angah n oUr cUtie baby lina=) oVerall is ok..bUt in a cerTain section wAs qUite fUnny tHen.

BiLik 11

blood test

tAking bLood tEst!! kind of sCared at first..bUt it sUddenly dissApear whEn the nUrse asK me;

nurse: nak belajar kat maner nie?

me: Kolej MARA Banting (pOlitely n hUmble i answered=P)

nurse: b4 ni skOlah maner?

me: MRSM Taiping..

nurse: hari tu spm dapat berapa..

me: alhamdulillah str8 As..tapi ader satu A2

nurse: ape yg A2?

me: BM=) senYum ala ala moNyet gUe...

nUrse: huh?ni yang nak kena nie..ade ke BM nanti dah pegi oVerC x reti ckap melayu plak...

me: eyh x dela mak cik...insyAAllah x tepesong kOt...

pastu ader la lagii yang kitorg jgak la...m.cik tu tnYa sanggp ke nak jadi doctor n bla la bla

then check mata...perfectly ok=) with spect of cOurse..bak kater mak cik tu kalau awak x pkai spect cOnfirm la awak x nmpak...hahahaha

gambar hiasan

after that went tO x-ray department...hUh this dprtment r very fUnny then...i give my medcal check up form to the cOunter..n the attendance asked me tO wait...i wait la..then another attendance bRing me tO bilik persalinan..he asked me tO changed my cLothes..n take off my necklace..then i enterd the xray that room there were the attendence that bring me tO bilik persalinan n anOther attendant.they argUed aBout my medical attendant said they cant give medical report to me..bcOz its just for police, sOldier n overseas students...after that the attendants at the cOunter enter tHat rOom..he said that i will stUdy at Kolej MARA Banting...OMG they still dOnt understand it..they still said that they cant give xray report tO me...after that i said ....

me: sayer ni oversea program la...

they: laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeker...(serentak diorg ckap)..kenapa la x ckap awal2...

hahahahaahahaha...camner sayer nak ckap pak cik2 oii..dah kOrg x tnya...=)

then mcam2 la diOrg tNya...sKolah kat mner la..ape2 la...

pastu diOrg siap tUlis kat envelope xray tu OVERSEAS! hahahaha mcam first class la plak...xD hehehehe..ok la least adEr jGak anaK meLayu yang akan menGharUmkan namer MELAYU dipersada dUnia..insyaAllah=) wink2

then i went tO the lab tO make urine test!!!then i pee ok=) i repeat PEE=P hahaha..

overall my medical check up is very fascinating ok!! wHo said tHat the staff there are unfriendly!!!i denied it ok...they are sOoo soOoo kind n friendly n n helpful tOooo....

Wednesday, 3 June 2009


i'm sOry coz not updating my blog for such few days i guess...theres some technically prob happened=)
everything are all the same very excited tO start learning back=) wink..even i know there will be sOme trOuble waiting for me in order to gain success=)..insyAallah i will solve this challenge with fying cOlours=P hahaha..insyaAllah..
by the waY,yesterday im editing some picture..n i post it to someone..
so to whom that may concern..if u received this picyure with a card i hOpe yOu will keep it n save it ok=)..lOve u guys sO much...n fOr thOse that wHo dOes not receive this pictur u will save it in yOur cOmputer..jUst take it..i dont mint thOugh=)