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Saturday, 8 January 2011

ice skate :)

what can i say abOut ice skating??
it's awesome...
seriously i love it
it's not just abOut ice skating itself..but also how i push myself to do things which i know it's hard for me...hmmm
susah giler nak skate...
what an awesome day to me..
i fell down a lot today
but it doesnt even allow me to give up...
one yOu fall it doesnt mean u will fall forever kan...
lastly i did it:)
i can skate!!!
but not like a pro la kan..
like a beginner sudah...
adOiii sakit pinggang!!

but seriOusly.. i really have fun today :)
credit to yana and zatil for teaching me how to skate!!
to yanti..jangan sedih2 yer..anak haji kena duduk hostel x leh keluar2.. disebabkan ade sekor anak haji yang degil keluar jugak tu..kan die dh lebam kaki..tu kan penangan anak haji degil..;)


  1. aku kat sni hari2 skate...haha free jek.. siap aku terbeli 2 kasut skate lagi..haha

  2. tak sah kalau main ice skating tak jatuh. hehe.

  3. zahir: bestnyer ko skate hari2..tpi tyme first blaja skate mesti susah kan :) aisy cmner bleh terbeli dua kasut skate nie..bagi aku satu ;)

    sadiQ: betOlll!! jatuh kot n sangat memalukan..:(
