hey hey you you...
i know that you like me...
no way no way not it's not a secret!
if not u wont read my blog kan??? kan?
sooryy excited terlebih...
last week was okay..
friday was a good ending..
i got a B for card signing...
worth studying for it..
at least ada peningkatan paradigma kan...
i dont have to bother how my friends would be able to get an A..
coz they got the most linean lecturer ever..
while my anatomy group always have bad luck for having two strict lecturer ever...
pfft...nevermind though...
nak cerita pasal cardsigning minggu ni...
masuk je anat room semua doa nak dapat Dr.love which is the most pemurah lecturer ever...
jawab lah salah banyak mana pun confirm A punya...
unluckily we dont get him..
we got one lecturer yang sangat la kedekut markah..previous group yang dapat die siap ada yg dapat F lagi..hambik kau! xke kecut perut den bila tau dapat die!!!
die datang je kt group kitorg dh pscycho habis...
pegi amik xray pastu gantung kat lampu xray tu... gmbr vessels la peitoneum la apa la...
lepas tu tolak whiteboard kat group kitorg...
memang kecut habis la semua org tu...
semua memang tgah analyse Xray tu gmbr apa..
Coeliac artery ke..hepatic artery ke.. pancreaticoduedonal artery ke.. superior mesenteric artery ke?
(mwahaha... non-medic reader mesti risau tgok nama arterty ni kan ;) )
lepas tu kan..
Dr. R yang hensem lagi kacak ni mulakan la sesi soal jawab die ni..
memang psycho habis la..
soalan senang tapi expression muka die memg x membantu langsung..die x tegur pun kita jawab salah!!
time i kena.. die soal what femoral nerve supply the sensory of the thigh..
"saphenous nerve!!"
n then die tnya.."what is the root of saphenous nerve" arghhhh time ni gelabah..
yang i ni kepala otak ingat the pathway of saphenous vein!! pegi la explain pathway die.. Dr.Hensem ni x tegur pun i salah jawab soalan...
last2 i yg sedar sendiri... gilo! syok sendiri jawab soalan yang bukan di soal!!! hahaha
pastu dapat plak soalan dermatome!
gilo susah!
penat perah otak fikir..nasib baik la dpt jawab!
last2 die ckap.. i give you a B because u mixed up the nerve and vein..it's very dangerous if you mixed it up again...
redha jelah...
time tu memang fikir logic gak la kalau confuse vein n nerves membawa bahaya..kang nak potong saphenous vein terpotong saphenous nerve plak...
conclusion is..
mr.R x delah scary mana...
cuma memg style die ajar mcm tu...
main conclusion is...
strive more for the next cardsigning..
p/s: nasib baik la x kena soalan merepek.. ada yg kena tnya mcm mana nk procedure nak operate appendic... seriously i have no idea!! yang i tahu die split the muscles of abdomen without cutting it...!
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